P.S. 139 Garden & Mural Installation
Many communities in Queens are incredibly diverse, however just because people do not share the same language or culture does not mean they can’t find common ground. Our mural and garden project as this school demonstrated how teaching can happen regardless of the fact that two people do not share the same language.

We worked with the community one Saturday to paint the base coat of the mural. Although this mural is located on school property we knew it was essential that the community participate. This gave them a vested interest in the upkeep of the garden.

Our Artist In Residence painted the design on the wall for over three days. The overall concept came from the community, but the design itself was all the artist's.

This garden was installed four years ago. The mural has never had to be re-painted, and every year but one the garden has been used by the kids. The one year the garden wasn't seeded was because the School Construction Authority was doing significant repairs to the building.

We worked with the community one Saturday to paint the base coat of the mural. Although this mural is located on school property we knew it was essential that the community participate. This gave them a vested interest in the upkeep of the garden.