Real Good Mural
The Real Good Mural was the starting point for an actionable plan that ultimately lead to partnerships with the Department of Sanitation, Department of Transportation, Citizens Committee of NYC, Councilmember Koslowtiz, The Long Island Rail Road, and the local community. Read on to learn more about how a participatory mural lead to transformation in one community in Queens.

We worked with Citizens Committee for NYC to obtain a grant of $1,000. We also secured funding from the West family, and P.S. 139 P.T.A. These funds were vital to envision a better block through art.

The finished mural was a catalyst for change.

We advocated to the Department of Transportation for new sidewalks big enough for pedestrians to walk on and without curb cuts for garbage to be dumped.

We worked with Citizens Committee for NYC to obtain a grant of $1,000. We also secured funding from the West family, and P.S. 139 P.T.A. These funds were vital to envision a better block through art.